
Energy balance for Norway. Preliminary figures. GWh
2015All energy productsCoalCokePetroleum cokeBiofuel and wasteCrude oilGasolineKeroseneMiddle distillatesHeavy fuel oilLPG /NGLNatural gas/LNGOther gasesHydro- and wind energyElectricityDistrict heating
1.1 Primary energy production2 397 4778 6300016 262894 59144 735000101 7241 190 0070141 52900
2 Imports90 0265 4113 3803 8012 00913 3855 2296 58220 33818 4454 0750007 3710
3 Exports2 141 6978 77101 495213742 74592 0495 43740 02216 41186 3951 126 1450022 0150
4 International bunkers9 1240000005 7852 53145703520000
4.1 International marine bunkers3 33900000002 53145703520000
4.2 International aviation bunkers5 7850000005 78500000000
5 Changes in stocks (+ = net decrease,- = net increase)-3 26388017-2410-1 846-216-64-142-178-1 47400000
6 Total energy supply (1+2-3-4+5)333 4186 1493 3972 06518 057163 385-42 301-4 703-22 3561 39817 93063 5100141 529-14 6440
7 Statistical differences (6+8-9-10-12)26 075308370-54203 1975 5462224 1474 3786 9541 4940000
8 Transformation5 871-451-8842 100-6 895-160 18758 32210 39479 3714 2643 297-4 40311 832-141 529144 1366 505
8.1 In blast furnaces-370-246-884000000000760000
8.2 In oil refineries8 088002 1000-160 18757 70510 39479 5073 0466 37609 148000
8.3 In thermal power plants-1 646000-34000-3600-4 294-29103 0080
8.4 In combined heat and power plants-2 031-20500-3 517000-2800-5-1 26704802 510
8.5 In district heating plants-474000-3 345000-710-61-105-60-8813 995
8.6 In hydro- and wind power plants0000000000000-141 529141 5290
8.7 Other transformation2 30400000617001 218-3 01903 488000
9 Energy industries own use66 21600000402 45104246 3517 52909 8328
9.1 Crude petroleum and natural gas production55 66500000002 2820046 349007 0340
9.2 Coal mines143000000011900000230
9.3 Petroleum refineries8 1060000000804207 52905260
9.4 Pumping storage power plants1 56900000000000001 5690
9.5 Hydro electric power plants498000003011000004840
9.6 Thermal power plants130000000000000130
9.7 In combined heat and power plants143000000030002001110
9.8 District heating plants790000000000000718
10 Losses in transport and distribution11 1090001570000005854808 8941 453
12 Final consumption including non-energy use235 8925 3902 1434 70711 006010 4715 46950 4211 28414 23111 2043 7550110 7675 044
12.1 Final energy consumption, excl. non-energy use212 5024 7542 14330711 006010 4715 46950 4211 2842 2714 8103 7550110 7675 044
13 Manufacturing, mining and quarrying66 3054 7512 1402993 0460071 9551 1841 7872 9853 755043 824572
13.1 Mining and quarrying1 163000000561901442004831
13.2 Manufacture of paper and paper products4 41700074300023146091003 35062
13.3 Food and beverages4 684000270015180311661002 976188
13.4 Manufacture of industrial chemicals16 6242 04251419899000513087971 1293 30907 399157
13.5 Manufacture of iron, steel and ferro-alloys9 1361 9851 52512714000712691039904 9682
13.6 Manufacture of aluminium and other non-ferrous metals20 999002800006001843350020 37814
13.7 Non metallic mineral prod4 6077251001264430002677023856004701 2057
13.8 Other manufacturing4 674000920000346187117003 063141
14 Transport57 6170001 721010 1874 77138 8985221 340006710
14.1 Railways and subways8420008000163000006710
14.2 Air transport4 80900000374 77100000000
14.3 Road transport43 5190001 71409 671031 9920221200000
14.4 Coastal shipping8 4470000047906 743501 2210000
15 Other sectors88 5813386 23802846919 567964624850066 2724 472
15.1 Fishing4 259000007153 982000002010
15.2 Agriculture3 537000570301 53300154001 77515
15.3 Households45 2372305 63102003125310101390037 3821 037
15.4 Private and public services, incl defence32 251108469053731 851961032860025 6373 420
15.5 Construction3 297000810501 67002586001 2770
16 Non energy use23 39163604 40000000011 9606 3940000
16.1 In manufacture of industrial chemicals18 5490021200000011 9436 3940000
16.2 In other industry4 84263604 1890000001700000
Memo1: Natural gas flared off on oil fields and terminals3 74700000000003 7470000