
Completed mediations, by cause of mediation, mediation authority and region.
All causes of mediationSeparation/divorce (Marriage Act)Separations of cohabitantsMediation applications pursuant to Children ActReturned from court system (Children Act)
All mediation authoritiesFamily officesMediations by external counsellingAll mediation authoritiesFamily officesMediations by external counsellingAll mediation authoritiesFamily officesMediations by external counsellingAll mediation authoritiesFamily officesMediations by external counsellingAll mediation authoritiesFamily officesMediations by external counselling
The whole country20 01316 3253 6886 5605 3781 1826 4485 2231 2256 9515 6741 27754504
Region East7 0925 9171 1752 5992 1414582 0491 7582912 4312 00542613130
Region South4 1423 4077351 4131 1982151 2171 0251921 4961 16832816160
Region West4 1153 2139021 3091 0322771 3059143911 4811 24823320191
Region Middle2 6222 102520754603151989790199877708169211
Region North2 0421 68635648540481888736152666545121312