
Completed mediations, by time from mediation application to first session, mediation authority and region.
0-1 week from mediation application to first session1-2 weeks from mediation application to first session2-3 weeks from mediation application to first sessionMore than 3 weeks from mediation application to first session
All mediation authoritiesFamily officesMediations by external counsellingAll mediation authoritiesFamily officesMediations by external counsellingAll mediation authoritiesFamily officesMediations by external counsellingAll mediation authoritiesFamily officesMediations by external counselling
The whole country2 6421 6689746 2534 7541 4997 0766 1729044 0423 731311
Region East7295172122 5131 9016122 6202 3073131 2301 19238
Region South7073643431 2881 0152731 3721 2739977575520
Region West4832981851 0938042891 4901 2242661 049887162
Region Middle39325813577755222595184011150145249
Region North3302319958248210064352811548744542