
Completed mediations, by time of mediation, mediation authority and region.
0-2 months from first session to completed mediation2-6 months from first session to completed mediationMore than 6 months from first session to completed mediation
All mediation authoritiesFamily officesMediations by external counsellingAll mediation authoritiesFamily officesMediations by external counsellingAll mediation authoritiesFamily officesMediations by external counselling
The whole country16 23013 2183 0122 6342 0365981 1371 05978
Region East5 6684 8078611 00672328341238131
Region South3 3192 627692517477403053023
Region West3 3502 60374753339913423121021
Region Middle2 2091 76144831525560978512
Region North1 6841 42026426318281928111