
Families and households
Private households2 316 6472 348 797
Living alone877 983894 126
Couples without children547 295558 429
Married couples with children 0-17 years324 623323 573
Cohabiting couples with children 0-17 years162 461166 055
Mother/father with children 0-17 years114 171112 431
One_family households with adult children169 452173 396
Two or more-family households without children 0-17 years85 90186 549
Two or more-family households with children 0-17 years34 76134 238
Persons in private households5 096 7325 150 904
Number of persons per private househol2.202.19
Population by type of households5 151 1205 199 535
Private households5 096 7325 150 904
One family households4 699 7664 755 828
Two or more-family households396 966395 076
Other housesholds54 38848 631