
Guest nights, by nationality of the guests and type of establishment
September 2016
TotalHotels and similar establishmentsCamping sitesHoliday dwellingsHostelling International
Total2 671 7992 022 447430 624187 18931 539
Foreign national, total700 369534 74976 90075 97812 742
Norway1 971 4301 487 698353 724111 21118 797
Denmark35 59127 6303 2834 199479
Finland14 62812 1581 624713133
Iceland2 8342 6113217912
Sweden78 39460 7199 6156 9501 110
Belgium7 8025 1041 4541 112132
Estonia2 7211 24462479657
France16 10712 0291 5421 957579
Greece1 5041 38069226
Ireland1 8801 735347536
Italy11 9328 8446612 159268
Latvia3 4561 649568686553
Netherlands27 77616 8237 0663 536351
Poland19 2509 9094 7983 627916
Portugal2 0611 942335531
Lithuania6 2552 4961 6121 996151
Spain20 74617 8271 4631 067389
United Kingdom58 41452 7882 6592 293674
Russia5 9094 389608804108
Switzerland13 5139 6622 742874235
Turkey3 3403 04211111275
Germany112 49151 25627 21632 0172 002
Slovenia1 1581 030111710
Ukraine1 5811 14523618020
Hungary1 5971 2412397344
Austria4 8563 485878377116
Slovakia1 716995316233172
Czech Republic5 8702 7187622 29199
South Africa1 1361 065411317
Japan14 69314 333124116120
China53 88651 7276511 050458
South Korea7 7586 777329288364
Canada4 2443 661157283143
Mexico1 1729891635132
United States49 32046 1228251 488885
Brazil4 2063 9952013259
Australia9 5468 253306602385
New Zealand00000
The rest of Europe42 76639 6912 063656356
The rest of South America4 1983 8561839960
The rest of Oceania2 3712 119719289
The rest of Asia38 75533 7791 6332 512831
The rest of Africa1 8731 681678540