
Accounting figures for non-financial foundations. NOK million1
1Figures for 2012 and 2013 are revised. Updated figures can be found in the StatBank source table.
Income statement41 99343 14144 611
Operating income37 98239 94742 526
Operating expences15 56615 93816 560
Operating profit4 0103 1902 087
Financial items, net4 3102 6752 298
Operating profit before tax8 3245 8684 379
Net profit8 1525 6674 154
Balance sheet
Fixed assets89 09592 59299 023
Intangible fixed assets695744718
Tangible fixed assets33 16033 36433 827
Financial fixed assets55 23458 48464 475
Current assets51 71854 52758 430
Debts4 0314 9264 765
Securities and other financial current assets27 37126 14229 896
Cash and bank deposits19 80522 76722 919
Total assets140 812147 119157 453
Equity109 145114 511123 619
Liabilities31 38532 54533 701
Provisions2 6902 7892 637
Long-term liabilities18 92519 64419 768
Short-term liabilities9 77010 11311 296
Equities and liabilities140 812147 120157 453
Key figures
Equity ratio77.577.878.5
Current ratio5.295.395.17
Number of enterprises7 3857 2546 928