
Income statement for enterprises in the power industri, by type of utility. NOK million
20142015Production plantsWholesale plantsDistribution plantsLow integrated plantsHigh integrated plantsGrid companiesElectricity suppliers
Operating income, total110 739104 10442 7768 1986 0981 3306 50919 37519 819
Sales of energy77 08168 22838 1718 1167285402 80714017 725
Sales of transmission25 53127 34822905 1726142 60717 770956
Other operating income8 1268 5284 376811981751 0951 4651 138
Operating expenses, total84 29481 92327 7668 0185 3281 1935 43515 60618 577
Purchase of energy39 50235 28010 3537 8295554231 50911114 501
Purchase of grid services9 0078 5912 31721 4891165743 981112
Other purchases of goods2 0682 40067326437264670691
Compensation of employees6 9957 9342 609896742791 1122 385786
Depreciation8 8249 4973 76788381127553 687330
Other operating expenses17 89818 2218 048881 7092271 2214 7732 156
Operating profit26 44522 18015 0101797691371 0743 7691 242
Financial income, total3 2872 4711 1262108564216618151
Dividends on shares/partnerships1 17442921703222773942
Interest recieved685976292183274951859
Other financial income1 4281 0666171912136906149
Financial expenses total4 5184 4652 233231184863601 27695
Interest paid2 1813 0211 35514129352541 20134
Other financial expenses2 3381 44487821855511067560
Financial items, net-1 231-1 995-1 106-21-99-22-144-65856
Profit on ordinary items before taxes25 21420 18613 9041586701159303 1111 298
Taxes10 7688 4836 8544213927348715358
Profit before extraordinary items14 44511 7037 049116531885822 397940
Extraordinary income, total1274000002740
Extraordinary depreciation111010000
Other extraordinary expenses56200000000
Profit extraordinary items-562272-10-1002730
Taxes on extraordinary items-8688-10007811
Annual profit13 96811 8877 050116531885752 589939
Dividends5 3292 9401 49305053309572463