
Number of people exposed to different noise levels, by source of noise . The whole country. 1999, 2005 , 2011 and 2014. Number of people1
Noise levelRoad trafficRailway trafficAir trafficManufacturingOther industries
1Railway and air traffic for 2005 refers to 2006.
Sum above 55     
19991 215 00090 30035 00021 50016 800
20051 590 90060 50027 00024 10018 000
20111 789 90076 30038 40026 10021 200
Sum above 551 871 70062 50043 50027 40025 300
70,0 -47 5004 3003000100
65,0 - 69,9138 3005 6001 6006001 300
60,0 - 64,9361 00016 2008 8004 7004 900
55,0 - 59,91 324 90036 30032 80022 00019 000
50,0 - 54,9..67 70080 80066 90056 100
45,0 - 49,9......51 90031 800