
Number of passengers and vehicles in ferry transport
3rd quarter 2016
PassengerRoad goods vehicles and accompanying trailersPassenger cars and accompanying trailers/caravansPassenger busesImport/Export motor vehiclesOther mobile self-propelled unitsUnaccompanied road goods trailers semitrailersUnaccompanied caravans and other road agricultural and industrial trailersRail wagons, shipborne port-to-port trailers and barges engaged in goods transportOther mobile non-self-propelled units
Corrected 17 January 2017.
Total2 269 10737 372551 8563 6842 29009 59534802 300
Borg3 797000000000
Oslo729 8536 02577 6002 1171 99307 54527300
Sandefjord452 1424 088140 576434000000
Larvik292 23414 32491 187203000000
Grenland Port Authority91 0163 79929 79665130177900
Kristiansand570 1726 205179 51667900994002 300
Stavanger31 8861 4938 2064118808796600
Bergen98 0071 43824 9751459600000