
Investments. Final investments previous year, by division and and main industrial groupings. NOK million.1
Final investmentsEstimated investmentsFinal investmentsChange in NOK million and per cent
201520162016 / 20152016 / 2016
Collected in Q1 the following yearCollected in Q4 the same yearCollected in Q1 the following yearDif.2Per cent2Dif.3Per cent3
1The levels of aggregation refers to the Standard of Industrial Classification (SIC2007). See NOS D383 for further details.
2Change from previous year in final investments, collected in Q1 in the following year.
3Change in estimated investments collected in Q4 and final investments collected in Q1, for the same year.
Extraction, pipeline, mining, manuf. and elec244 907218 770213 352-31 555-13-5 418-2
Extraction and pipeline transport201 191169 129163 341-37 850-19-5 788-3
Extraction of oil and natural gas196 809167 798162 124-34 685-18-5 674-3
Pipeline transport4 3821 3311 217-3 165-72-114-9
Manufacturing, mining and quarrying20 60322 51823 7903 187151 2726
Mining and quarrying855595610-245-29153
Manufacturing19 74821 92323 1793 431171 2566
Food, beverages and tobacco5 2815 2175 7915101057411
Food products4 8404 6935 264424957112
Textiles, wearing apparel, leather175191194191132
Wood and wood products7791 0711 16939050989
Paper and paper products3754495812065513229
Printing, reproduction286205239-47-163417
Refined petro., chemicals, pharmac4 2695 4275 8671 598374408
Basic chemicals2 7303 2433 7089783646514
Rubber, plastic and mineral prod.1 3711 3741 3754010
Basic metals2 8854 3534 3311 44650-22-1
Non-ferrous metals1 9293 8623 7851 85696-77-2
Fabricated metal products927774826-101-11527
Computer and electrical equipment888711698-190-21-13-2
Machinery and equipment821501515-306-37143
Ships, boats and oil platforms37045649812835429
Transport equipment n.e.c3464804055917-75-16
Repair, installation of machinery674461489-185-27286
Furniture and manufacturing n.e.c.299254201-98-33-53-21
Electricity, gas and steam23 11427 12326 2223 10813-901-3
Production of electricity7 7479 1579 3631 616212062
Transmission and distr. of electricity14 12316 55115 5041 38110-1 047-6
District heating and gas1 2441 4161 3551119-61-4
Main industrial groupings:
Intermediate goods10 84413 15814 1363 292309787
Capital goods2 9802 5652 581-399-13161
Consumer goods5 9545 4865 840-114-23546
Durable consumer goods241241190-51-21-51-21
Non-durable consumer goods5 7125 2445 649-63-14058
Energy goods225 129197 562190 796-34 333-15-6 766-3