
Banks. Loans by sector and type. NOK million
September 2016October 2016November 2016December 2016
Total loans3 213 3783 196 7233 211 7223 246 120
Non-financial corporations1 095 6461 096 4481 101 2591 091 293
Financial corporations325 480313 556310 028332 398
General government13 73416 35016 11516 063
Non-profit institutions serving households13 53113 47113 61913 401
Households1 342 8991 358 0731 370 2461 368 445
¬ Employees1 232 5621 247 5801 258 6481 256 082
Rest of the world431 360408 331410 242435 281
Changes in exchange rates, prices and value-9 272-9 505-9 787-10 761
Credit lines, secured on dwellings179 058181 543182 887183 096
Non-financial corporations861824799798
Financial corporations14141313
General government2220
Non-profit institutions serving households11111211
Households177 580180 096181 463181 678
¬ Employees170 366172 896174 139174 216
Rest of the world590596598596
Repayment loans secured on dwellings1 043 5301 054 6311 062 9471 065 583
Non-financial corporations77 46677 95477 76982 689
Financial corporations811817830834
General government78787675
Non-profit institutions serving households1 9701 9841 9922 017
Households960 591971 093979 593977 285
¬ Employees899 346909 881917 912915 543
Rest of the world2 6142 7042 6872 683
Other repayment loans1 673 1111 651 3451 655 9491 694 657
Non-financial corporations851 305854 538859 316850 814
Financial corporations258 175253 079250 607272 608
General government12 91615 71615 00915 123
Non-profit institutions serving households10 0079 93010 03810 040
Households141 587142 816144 266144 772
¬ Employees105 797106 615107 651107 656
Rest of the world399 120375 267376 715401 301
Overdraft, working capital facility and consumer credit (incl. Discount credit)254 460245 295245 192241 935
Non-financial corporations103 902100 13899 51596 018
Financial corporations66 46359 62658 55558 918
General government7335491 023864
Non-profit institutions serving households264262256226
Households54 08554 97855 62555 230
¬ Employees49 65650 60151 10450 593
Rest of the world29 01429 74130 21730 679
House building loans and other building loans72 49173 41574 53471 609
Non-financial corporations62 11362 99463 86060 973
Financial corporations17202426
General government5660
Non-profit institutions serving households1 2781 2841 3211 107
Households9 0569 0909 2999 480
¬ Employees7 3977 5877 8418 074
Rest of the world22222522