
Mortgage companies. Loans by sector and type. NOK million
September 2016October 2016November 2016December 2016
1The table includes only the most important loan types for each type of financial institution, the sum of the different loan types may therefore deviate from sum of total loans
Total loans11 663 8481 637 7341 637 2271 662 454
Credit lines, secured on dwellings296 376297 951300 325301 533
Non-financial corporations........
Financial corporations........
General government........
Non-profit institutions serving households........
Households295 749297 312299 662300 871
Of which employees etc.292 546294 100296 403297 698
Rest of the world627638663661
Repayment loans secured on dwellings987 700987 771986 317988 659
Non-financial corporations13 41113 18913 29312 846
Financial corporations371371371374
General government........
Non-profit institutions serving households59595554
Households971 518971 840970 260973 024
Of which employees etc.913 110913 190911 498916 363
Rest of the world2 3412 3122 3382 361
Other repayment loans (incl. Leasing)378 401350 979350 248372 146
Non-financial corporations101 427100 53899 39898 736
Financial corporations41 13014 34613 41833 303
General government220 159220 500221 904223 048
Non-profit institutions serving households2 1372 0872 1112 134
Households3 0853 1383 1924 725
Of which employees etc.1 7441 8121 8591 876
Rest of the world10 46410 37010 22410 201
Changes in exchange rate, prices and value1 3711 033336116