
Mortgage companies. Balance sheet. NOK million
October 2016November 2016December 2016January 2017
Notes and divisionary coin0000
Loans to and claims on financial institutions67 82353 99771 04865 955
Loans to and claims on customers1 623 0691 623 4791 628 8321 634 463
Certificates and bonds205 969203 178210 649209 403
Shares, equity capital certificate e.g.66969696
Financial derivatives96 25095 359108 60983 941
Intangible assets639669743767
Durable operating equipment23232525
Other assets7 6158 2597 9979 266
Total assets2 001 4541 985 0602 027 9992 003 916
Deposits from financial institutions........
Deposits from customers........
Certificate and bond debt1 488 0091 470 8381 476 7551 481 647
Other loans308 589312 892336 325304 383
Financial derivatives34 02035 19047 47050 504
Other liabilities39 94635 56835 63933 927
Subordinated loan capital14 03913 20813 21211 941
Total liabilities1 884 6021 867 6951 909 4001 882 402
Share and owner share capital33 78533 78533 84933 951
Other paid in equity (share premium account etc.)48 40848 61151 05153 328
Earned equity capital31 29531 29330 15633 749
Undistributed profit3 3633 6763 544485
Total equity116 851117 365118 599121 513
Total liabilities and equity2 001 4541 985 0602 027 9992 003 916