
Web-based schools, pupils/students, by institution and level. 1 October
Alle levelsUpper secondary schoolsTertiary vocational educationUniversity and college levelOther upper secondary educational programmes
Total, institutions11 7522 5991 5972 4675 089
ABC-company E-skuvla AS00000
Aftenskolen Høyres Studieforbund Region00000
Akademiet Nettstudier1 12396700156
Norwegian School of Management - Banking and Finance364003640
Campus NooA AS109180091
eCademy AS461046100
Fagbokforlaget nettskole7400074
FOLK Bibelskole1600016
Folkeuniversitetet netstudies2 03096928161 017
Lazanor Connecting00000
The Aviation School of Norway3470840263
NKI distance education4 12801 0241232 981
NKS distance education2 52824201 921365
Norwegian Net School118000118
Scandinavian Language Training Institute00000
Senter for eiendomsfag4300430
The Norwegian Construction Industry College00000
Stiftelsen TISIP00000
Studieforbundet næring og samfunn00000