Web-based schools, course completions, by institution and sex | 2015-2016 |
Both sexes | Males | Females |
Total, institutions | 9 686 | 3 648 | 6 038 |
ABC-company E-skuvla AS | - | - | - |
Aftenskolen Høyres Studieforbund Region | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Akademiet Nettstudier | 1 868 | 658 | 1 210 |
Norwegian School of Management - Banking and Finance | 700 | 360 | 340 |
Campus NooA AS | 29 | 12 | 17 |
eCademy AS | 321 | 29 | 292 |
Fagbokforlaget nettskole | 586 | 288 | 298 |
FOLK Bibelskole | 19 | 12 | 7 |
Folkeuniversitetet netstudies | 18 | 1 | 17 |
Industriskolen | - | - | - |
Lazanor Connecting | - | - | - |
The Aviation School of Norway | 60 | 55 | 5 |
NKI distance education | 2 516 | 1 474 | 1 042 |
NKS distance education | 2 768 | 566 | 2 202 |
Norwegian Net School | 160 | 15 | 145 |
OPK-instituttet | 388 | 12 | 376 |
Scandinavian Language Training Institute | - | - | - |
Senter for eiendomsfag | 253 | 166 | 87 |
The Norwegian Construction Industry College | - | - | - |
Stiftelsen TISIP | - | - | - |
Studieforbundet næring og samfunn | - | - | - |