
Domestic sectors' financial assets and liabilities towards the rest of the world. Last period. NOK million.
4th quarter 2016Non-financial corporations1Financial corporationsGeneral governmentHouseholds & NIPSHSum domestic sectors
1Including reconciliation sector.
Net financial assets-994 339-120 6577 271 518157 8726 314 394
Assets1 659 6273 461 1847 810 615246 26213 177 688
Cash and currency, etc.016 3700016 370
Deposits25 764519 52220 1127 028572 426
Debt securities52 3151 172 8622 691 4527 1983 923 827
Loans292 762523 004237 17201 052 938
Equity963 141737 5854 819 52038 3856 558 631
Investment fund shares or units995209 69634110 936221 968
Insurance and pension entitlements012 4310012 431
Other accounts receivable324 650269 71442 018182 715819 097
Liabilities2 653 9663 581 841539 09788 3906 863 294
Cash and currency, etc.018 0990018 099
Deposits01 153 731001 153 731
Debt securities486 8611 506 494278 50702 271 862
Loans907 480258 440233 01419 6941 418 628
Equity1 150 492290 696001 441 188
Investment fund shares or units0105 74400105 744
Insurance and pension entitlements024 3010024 301
Other accounts payable109 133224 33627 57668 696429 741