
Tax accounts. Distributed taxes. NOK million and change in per cent.
Distributed taxes. Accumulated figures so far this yearChange in per cent compared to same period previous year
February 2016February 2017February 2016February 2017
Distributed taxes, total126 349126 557-7.50.2
Ordinary taxes on income and wealth, central government4 5145 774-11.527.9
Ordinary taxes on extraction of petroleum4 4303 188-49.7-28.0
Special income tax on extraction of petroleum6 9235 181-52.8-25.2
Tax equalization contributions to the central government44 73442 7383.5-4.5
Ordinary taxes to county authorities (incl. Oslo)3 7994 0972.37.8
Ordinary taxes to municipalities17 79719 5273.19.7
Member contributions to the National Insurance Scheme16 40117 2945.05.4
Employer contributions to the National Insurance Scheme27 38928 274-3.23.2
Taxes on dividends to foreign shareholders363483