
Number of participants, by subject, age and sex
Participants14-29 years30-49 years50 years or older
Total504 898139 478146 165219 255
Language studies12 9094 4495 5812 879
Aesthetic subjects and handicraft214 88052 69244 525117 663
Humanities, philosophy and ethics38 98122 7804 59011 611
Social sciences10 4573 3574 1652 935
Organization and management112 17831 08647 85433 238
Business and ICT3 5861488672 571
Health, social and sports60 7205 24120 75734 722
Transport and communication2 5422717531 518
Science, industry and technical subjects15 5394 5885 7765 175
Natural resource management, ecology, environmental protection and outdoor recreation32 46814 69211 0036 773
Goods and services638174294170
Total216 87465 09362 48189 300
Language studies4 5861 3992 194993
Aesthetic subjects and handicraft81 43021 01913 96646 445
Humanities, philosophy and ethics16 49110 9901 8893 612
Social sciences3 2841 2599081 117
Organization and management56 83415 80924 57216 453
Business and ICT1 359443051 010
Health, social and sports20 3592 0937 61410 652
Transport and communication1 8321714931 168
Science, industry and technical subjects11 5563 0024 3604 194
Natural resource management, ecology, environmental protection and outdoor recreation18 8929 2436 0563 593
Goods and services2516412463
Total288 02474 38583 684129 955
Language studies8 3233 0503 3871 886
Aesthetic subjects and handicraft133 45031 67330 55971 218
Humanities, philosophy and ethics22 49011 7902 7017 999
Social sciences7 1732 0983 2571 818
Organization and management55 34415 27723 28216 785
Business and ICT2 2271045621 561
Health, social and sports40 3613 14813 14324 070
Transport and communication710100260350
Science, industry and technical subjects3 9831 5861 416981
Natural resource management, ecology, environmental protection and outdoor recreation13 5765 4494 9473 180
Goods and services387110170107