
Banks. Loans by sector and type. NOK million
November 2016December 2016January 2017February 2017
Total loans3 211 7223 246 6083 190 3733 218 127
Non-financial corporations1 101 2591 091 2891 103 8191 108 006
Financial corporations310 028332 398295 323302 710
General government16 11516 06318 08117 052
Non-profit institutions serving households13 61913 40113 27113 345
Households1 370 2461 368 9391 377 7221 370 394
¬ Employees1 258 6481 256 5761 264 7041 258 615
Rest of the world410 242435 281393 179417 633
Changes in exchange rates, prices and value-9 787-10 763-11 023-11 011
Credit lines, secured on dwellings182 887183 096182 744181 124
Non-financial corporations799798703694
Financial corporations13131313
General government20....
Non-profit institutions serving households12111314
Households181 463181 678181 420179 828
¬ Employees174 139174 216174 002172 632
Rest of the world598596595574
Repayment loans secured on dwellings1 062 9471 064 4031 065 7521 061 229
Non-financial corporations77 76982 68977 64177 692
Financial corporations830834820798
General government76757776
Non-profit institutions serving households1 9922 0171 9211 908
Households979 593976 105982 555977 992
¬ Employees917 912914 363920 982916 901
Rest of the world2 6872 6832 7382 762
Other repayment loans1 655 9491 696 3291 648 0601 670 210
Non-financial corporations859 316850 810868 331868 500
Financial corporations250 607272 608241 745243 051
General government15 00915 12316 84115 987
Non-profit institutions serving households10 03810 04010 07110 101
Households144 266146 448149 128149 209
¬ Employees107 651109 332111 132110 956
Rest of the world376 715401 301361 944383 361
Overdraft, working capital facility and consumer credit (incl. Discount credit)245 192241 934233 749244 203
Non-financial corporations99 51596 01896 46399 098
Financial corporations58 55558 91852 71858 819
General government1 0238641 163986
Non-profit institutions serving households256226190183
Households55 62555 22955 33354 202
¬ Employees51 10450 59250 64850 243
Rest of the world30 21730 67927 88230 914
House building loans and other building loans74 53471 60971 09172 373
Non-financial corporations63 86060 97360 68262 021
Financial corporations24262729
General government6012
Non-profit institutions serving households1 3211 1071 0761 138
Households9 2999 4809 2859 162
¬ Employees7 8418 0747 9407 882
Rest of the world25222122