
State lending institutions. Balance sheet. NOK million
November 2016December 2016January 2017February 2017
Notes and divisionary coin4 2504 0644 0814 479
Loans to and claims on financial institutions913910718822
Loans to and claims on customers322 230323 262326 767327 810
Certificates and bonds........
Shares, equity capital certificate e.g.140153146157
Financial derivatives........
Intangible assets........
Durable operating equipment41414747
Other assets8 1122 8272 6922 591
Total assets335 685331 256334 450335 906
Deposits from financial institutions........
Deposits from customers........
Certificate and bond debt........
Other loans320 977321 789325 391326 371
Financial derivatives........
Other liabilities10 7155 5845 2655 769
Subordinated loan capital........
Total liabilities331 692327 374330 656332 140
Share and owner share capital1 5351 5351 5551 555
Other paid in equity (share premium account etc.)........
Earned equity capital2 2622 2622 2512 251
Undistributed profit19686-13-41
Total equity3 9933 8833 7943 766
Total liabilities and equity335 685331 256334 450335 906