
Port calls by type of vessel and registry, vessels registered in NOR and NIS1
Norwegian registersNorwegian International Ship Register (NIS)The Norwegian Ship Register (NOR)
Port callsArrived gross tonnagePort callsArrived gross tonnagePort callsArrived gross tonnage
1Source Lloyd's. Only ships 1 000 gross tonnes and above. No fishing vessels.
All vessel types the whole world54 363826 314 34626 097602 051 94728 266224 262 399
All vessel types abroad26 588635 215 86022 180575 409 6814 40859 806 179
Tanker9 039219 954 8368 998219 882 7134172 123
Bulk vessel2 33169 593 0412 18069 378 626151214 415
General cargo/other dry cargo vessel6 997245 371 4036 575244 385 920422985 483
Passenger vessels1 56065 418 27845619 108 7871 10446 309 491
Offshore vessels5 84427 243 5513 49616 699 8022 34810 543 749
Tug and salvage vessels5672 822 9922921 325 6252751 497 367
Fishing and hunting vessels000000
Specialized vessels and support vessels2234 767 4841834 628 20840139 276
Other2744 275002744 275
All vessel types Norge, Svalbard & Jan Mayen27 775191 098 4863 91726 642 26623 858164 456 220
Tanker1 52611 551 1741 0319 671 3044951 879 870
Bulk vessel1 0992 564 31292579 2021 0071 985 110
General cargo/other dry cargo vessel8 66319 091 2251 9776 695 6676 68612 395 558
Passenger vessels9 604123 081 6353655 890 4089 239117 191 227
Offshore vessels5 94531 034 6503993 447 3425 54627 587 308
Tug and salvage vessels3681 746 13817110 9173511 635 221
Fishing and hunting vessels000000
Specialized vessels and support vessels4901 905 85636247 4264541 658 430
Other80123 4960080123 496