
Mortgage companies. Balance sheet. NOK million
December 2016January 2017February 2017March 2017
Notes and divisionary coin0000
Loans to and claims on financial institutions71 04860 35567 98178 928
Loans to and claims on customers1 628 8321 634 4631 653 0771 660 139
Certificates and bonds210 649209 391212 820213 143
Shares, equity capital certificate e.g.969695133
Financial derivatives108 60990 54593 183109 601
Intangible assets743767734608
Durable operating equipment25252424
Other assets7 9979 2669 6219 679
Total assets2 028 0002 004 9082 037 5362 072 254
Deposits from financial institutions........
Deposits from customers........
Certificate and bond debt1 476 7551 482 0571 518 5431 543 090
Other loans336 325298 783301 161316 347
Financial derivatives47 47056 73950 22644 721
Other liabilities35 63933 91333 33231 024
Subordinated loan capital13 21211 94111 97011 977
Total liabilities1 909 4011 883 4341 915 2331 947 159
Share and owner share capital33 84933 95135 25035 940
Other paid in equity (share premium account etc.)51 05153 32852 50655 240
Earned equity capital30 15633 72733 81133 043
Undistributed profit3 544467736872
Total equity118 599121 473122 303125 096
Total liabilities and equity2 028 0002 004 9082 037 5362 072 254