
Net purchases of Norwegian mutual fund shares, by holding sectors and type of funds. Last quarter. NOK million
1st quarter 2017
All types of fundsEquity fundsBond fundsMoney market fundsOther bond fundsHybrid fundsOther funds
Sum all holding sectors32 71618 5935 1242 5535 0121 129305
Non-financial corporations4 9466847311 8581 175327171
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by central government0000000
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government353-4643424-6800
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by local government-4500-45000
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by local government29-4610-14754..
Private non-financial incorporated enterprises4 3157355811 4091 091328171
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises1443050269-7..
Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises15011478282..
Financial corporations26 52720 4012 990383 0107117
Norges Bank0000000
Banks2 11987351 306253-143-40
Mortgage companies2020000
Finance companies2200..00
State lending institutions etc.128010127000
Financial holding companies3012....0
Mutual funds9 8696 6571 80972866213..
Investment trusts and private equity funds-11224-115-300
Other financial enterprises, except insurance companies and pension funds1 6421 017213432575557
Life insurance companies and pension funds11 76111 92870-2 1661 7831460
Non-life insurance companies1 11378755213580..
General government215-80-148538-9500
Central government-124-7531-7-741..
Local government339-5-179545-21-10
Non-profit institutions serving households-158-55-126-9266481
Households1 976798204131272617-46
Unincorporated enterprises within households200101..
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises inclusive housing cooperatives etc.2020..00
Employees, recipients of property income, pensions and social contributions, students etc.1 972798202130272616-46
Rest of the world-818-3 1551 4738358452145
Unspecified sector2800-301417