
Occupational health problems, occupational accidents and sick leave. Per cent
Pain in neck, shoulders or upper back, due to work141110
Pain in lower back, due to work965
Pain in arms, wrists or hands, due to work454
Pain in hips, legs, knees or feet, due to work654
Headache or migraine, due to work643
Troubled by anxiety, due to work121
Troubled by depression or feeling down, due to work211
Chest tightness, wheezing, due to work110
Eczema or allergic rash, due to work111
Itchy eyes, redness or runny eyes, due to work..11
Reduced hearing or tinnitus, because of work..11
Feels physically worn out when they return home from work, weekly..3233
Has trouble sleeping due to work..11.
Feel mentally weary when they return home from work, weekly291419
Sickness absence lasting more than 14 days, last 12 months141815
Number of sickness absence periods lasting more than 14 days, average212
Sickness absence was due to health problems caused by work..75
Been at work even though sick 4 times or more last year..2213
High risk of accidents at work763
High risk of strain injuries2221.
High risk of other health problems96.
Has been involved in accidents at work, last 12 months3..1
Number of days away from work because of work accidents, average1..0
Number of employed respondents1 9429 3127 765
Number of respondents in work2 1359 9618 220