
Life insurance companies. Profitt and loss account. NOK Million
1st quarter 20162nd quarter 20163rd quarter 20164th quarter 20161st quarter 2017
11st quarter of 2016: Closed series
21st quarter of 2016: Changes in complementary provisions is discontinued, the remaining items are continued
Earned premiums, net of reinsurance29 29455 06681 700104 47229 503
Gross premiums written25 15649 80873 06394 06124 555
Reinsurers share of gross premiums written-276-480-627-1 055-284
Transfers of premium reserve from other companies4 4145 7379 26411 4665 231
Claims incurred, net of reinsurance17 08030 87145 57362 64418 980
Gross claims payment12 78325 53438 45451 83213 812
Reinsurance share of gross claims payments-76-195-321-579-105
Other appropriations1..........
Transfers of premiumreserve etc. to other companies4 3735 5327 44011 3915 274
Net change in technical provisions17 32641 71171 73193 87331 384
Premium reserve12 64831 44553 28773 49621 405
Other technical provisions2212167488 727156
To/from revaluation reserve1 2802 8655 0765 4196 267
Means allocated insurance contracts3 1857 23413 3206 2323 557
Other operating income/ costs-1 475-2 786-4 307-6 166-1 560
Commision received1429303732
Operating income, real property31415118310
Other operating income3407711 1001 373358
Personell costs7641 4052 1622 884793
Commision submitted247511742978238
Operating costs, real property00120
Depreciations of non-financial assets7615428251168
Other operating costs7721 5562 3013 385862
Investment income /costs7 67816 50423 41536 0617 734
Interest income bonds and certificates5 01210 27614 61822 2004 224
Interest income other assets1 0782 1023 2244 7501 551
Share dividend etc.1 9775 0056 83810 7242 453
Interest costs3898781 2651 613495
Gains/losses, value (re-)adjustments on financial assets-5397 64622 35229 26816 579
Realized gains/losses-4796 3399 81715 9093 694
Shares, participations and primary capital certificates5112 6743 6228 3114 473
Bonds and certificates-154338-479298239
Financial derivatives-9353 1446 7507 241-703
Land and buildings......100
Other realized gains/losses99183-7749-315
Net change in value-611 30712 53613 35912 886
Shares, participations and primary capital certificates-7 634-3 4521 2348 70210 919
Bonds and certificates-749-517-1 808-1 959309
Financial derivatives9 7666 76912 7003 52360
Land and buildings..12012032..
Other net change in value-1 443-1 6132903 0611 597
Profitt/loss on ordinary activities5523 8485 8567 1171 891
Other result components-98-190-246-127-7
Total Profitt/loss3893 5055 0347 2161 627
Balance on the technical account for life insurance1052 4413 7454 7081 293
Value-adjusted profitt/loss4 79613 77024 05627 45811 675