
Investments by cost category and the point in time for the estimation. Extraction of oil and natural gas and pipeline transport. NOK million
Estimates made in May in the year before the investment yearEstimates made in August in the year before the investment yearEstimates made in November in the year before the investment yearEstimates made in February in the year of investmentsEstimates made in May in the year of investmentsEstimates made in August in the year of investmentsEstimates made in Novenber in the year of investmentsAccrued investment costsEstimates made in May in the year before the investment yearEstimates made in August in the year before the investment yearEstimates made in November in the year before the investment yearEstimates made in February in the year of investments
Extraction and pipeline transport154 905152 194146 643149 404154 381000143 970000
Total extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas152 366149 628144 195146 939151 979000141 824000
Exploration and concept studies26 69926 06421 52818 40521 59000026 794000
Field development47 06748 08351 41853 98356 35500046 700000
Commodities26 27527 48132 31634 00834 26900017 348000
Services12 17312 17210 85711 61513 48700019 908000
Production drilling8 6198 4308 2458 3618 5990009 444000
Fields on stream62 69262 27061 06363 98363 66100060 067000
Commodities5 1555 4995 3956 1554 9720005 324000
Services11 62011 89712 65815 23614 1170008 889000
Production drilling45 91744 87443 01042 59244 57200045 854000
Onshore activities4 7694 8544 8344 4664 5210002 128000
Shutdown and removal11 1398 3575 3506 1025 8530006 135000
Transport via pipelines2 5392 5662 4482 4652 4020002 146000