
Structural business statistics for water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities. Final figures
2015Change in per cent
2014 - 20152013 - 2015
Corrected 19 June
Enterprises (number)1 1731.53.6
Persons employed8 7924.89.4
Turnover (NOK million)23 7135.57.1
Value added (factor prices) (NOK million)7 4557.19.8
Gross operating surplus (NOK million)2 66311.511.2
Local kind of activity units
Local kind of activity units (number)1 3981.35.4
Persons employed8 9365.29.8
Compensation of employees (mill. kr)4 8855.19.4
Value added (factor prices) (NOK million)7 81210.012.8
Gross investment (NOK million)1 3563.0212.4