
Banks. Stock of bonds and sertificates by sector. NOK million
January 2017February 2017March 2017April 2017
Total stock569 803579 666581 308590 541
Non-financial corporations6 0786 3076 5135 603
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by central government........
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government1 3541 079717818
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by local government101436251248
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by local government806920788890
Private non-financial incorporated enterprises3 8173 8734 7583 648
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises........
Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises........
Financial corporations219 838222 061229 317232 726
Norges Bank........
Banks27 45325 14429 86428 534
Mortgage companies191 066195 680198 159202 881
Finance companies263252295301
State lending institutions etc.22....
Financial holding companies410374377407
Mutual funds........
Investment trusts and private equity funds2223
Other financial enterprises, except insurance companies and pension funds54546863
Life insurance companies and pension funds579551529522
Non-life insurance companies922216
General government103 524112 496106 560113 978
Central government73 03480 58281 38381 606
Local government30 49031 91425 17732 372
Non-profit institutions serving households........
Non-profit institutions serving households........
Unincorporated enterprises within households........
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises inclusive housing cooperatives etc.........
Employees, recipients of property income, pensions and social contributions, students etc.........
Unspecified sector........
Rest of the world240 642238 902238 729237 970
General government, abroad61 13862 32762 41565 185
Banks and financial institutions, abroad158 010154 567154 772151 004
Non-financial corporations and households, abroad21 49422 00821 54321 781
Changes in exchange rates, prices and value-280-100188264