
Individuals who owned shares, nominal share capital, received dividends and received previously paid-up share capital and share premium, by sex and age
Number of individuals who owned shares 31 DecemberNominal share capital. NOK millionReceived dividends. NOK millionReceived share capital. NOK million2Received share premium. NOK million2Number of individuals who owned shares 31 DecemberNominal share capital. NOK millionReceived dividends. NOK millionReceived share capital. NOK million2Received share premium. NOK million2
1Preliminary figures.
2Does not include capital paid back in connection with liquidation or partial liquidation of limited companies.
Both sexes
Total642 87574 47480 7712 2157 469651 72773 86556 0671 2516 318
0-19 years10 127679250121769 454627241115
20-29 years41 5922 7531 74210837542 8642 5411 31031274
30-39 years91 1498 0266 70216266893 2307 7325 016108232
40-49 years137 44717 11419 372346866136 86416 30812 900276719
50-59 years138 97620 05925 9203492 207140 94920 13517 1193273 165
60-69 years122 82117 08819 4299151 829122 04516 81413 857309890
70-79 years69 9666 6826 4403041 00974 9127 4634 681181829
80 years or older30 7972 0729152033931 4092 24494319193
Total441 50956 77666 4171 7925 686448 79156 52045 7689295 324
0-19 years5 954336149..1225 599305178111
20-29 years29 6771 8131 0915629531 0901 66682128173
30-39 years65 1485 3194 83311040366 8345 2923 76555136
40-49 years97 01812 46715 28023465096 64111 81010 412165525
50-59 years96 59716 24022 2662321 83197 96916 13814 2292852 987
60-69 years84 58214 19316 6558441 35884 16214 05511 907234692
70-79 years45 6505 3075 54529778049 1055 9863 765153684
80 years or older16 8831 101596..24817 3911 26868910116
Total201 36617 69814 3554231 783202 93617 34510 299322994
0-19 years4 173344101..543 8553226204
20-29 years11 915940650528011 7748754893101
30-39 years26 0012 7081 8695226526 3962 4401 2515396
40-49 years40 4294 6474 09211221640 2234 4992 488111194
50-59 years42 3793 8193 65411737642 9803 9972 89042179
60-69 years38 2392 8942 7747147237 8832 7591 95076198
70-79 years24 3161 376895722925 8071 47791628145
80 years or older13 914971319..9114 018976254977