
Enterprises under foreign control, , , by country of ultimate owner. 2015123
 Number of enterprisesNumber of persons employedNOK million
 Personell costsTurnoverProduction valueValue added at factor costTotal purchases of goods and servicesPurchases of goods purchased for resale in the same condition as receivedGross investment4
1Subsidiary enterprises under direct or indirect control by foreign enterprises.
2Section K Financial intermediation are not included.
3The enterprise in the ownership chain which is not controlled by another enterprise.
4Aquistion of tangible assets (ev fixed).
Corrected 7 July 2017.
Total7 249336 916234 0871 326 6021 044 555429 402875 655291 25495 941
EU5 788237 596152 887835 887665 965290 197538 302177 62467 903
Nordic contries3 506129 62773 522379 577280 278101 958263 47599 29415 977
Europe6 173261 255167 796916 095734 223310 123598 475189 63669 603
America73461 24453 820330 133257 823102 332213 29073 36725 091
Asia28113 02711 39775 48448 15815 07460 95027 792992
Oceania and Polar regions251 302:::::::
United States58256 01348 956280 726230 78194 767180 51751 09823 717
Sweden2 20083 21346 396227 450173 74264 327159 78053 77013 541
Great Britain and N-Ireland69837 49727 394145 422128 32856 80585 79717 1276 345
China302 6072 47218 55714 3074 48514 2884 294386
Japan733 4992 47924 45310 7273 58921 19914 096225