
Mortgage companies. Balance sheet. NOK million
March 2017April 2017May 2017June 2017
Notes and divisionary coin0000
Loans to and claims on financial institutions78 92863 40268 08359 002
Loans to and claims on customers1 660 1391 702 7161 709 1311 711 745
Certificates and bonds213 143207 603207 203211 140
Shares, equity capital certificate e.g.133383136146
Financial derivatives109 601114 575117 517114 664
Intangible assets608592612631
Durable operating equipment24242323
Other assets9 67910 43810 5339 008
Total assets2 072 2542 099 7312 113 2382 106 359
Deposits from financial institutions........
Deposits from customers........
Certificate and bond debt1 543 0901 535 5581 546 8841 540 046
Other loans316 347352 787359 650358 640
Financial derivatives44 72144 26346 75247 296
Other liabilities31 02430 18922 37821 048
Subordinated loan capital11 97711 98411 95111 952
Total liabilities1 947 1591 974 7821 987 6151 978 981
Share and owner share capital35 94035 98336 00336 604
Other paid in equity (share premium account etc.)55 24055 47855 43856 927
Earned equity capital33 04331 96431 85131 659
Undistributed profit8721 5252 3322 188
Total equity125 096124 950125 623127 378
Total liabilities and equity2 072 2542 099 7312 113 2382 106 359