
Deposits by sector and type of deposit. NOK million
April 2017May 2017June 2017July 2017
Total deposits3 605 0633 539 4173 540 1543 594 775
Non-financial corporations720 371703 743717 843729 682
Financial corporations214 907205 093183 623216 656
General government170 660151 797173 018155 241
Non-profit institutions serving households68 57668 32570 25070 193
Households1 156 2441 146 3491 207 1211 195 523
¬ Employees1 107 0721 098 3941 157 5181 146 733
Rest of the world1 274 1491 263 9711 188 1781 227 369
Changes in exchange rates, prices and value155140120111
Transaction deposits2 267 7162 280 7582 348 3952 326 793
Non-financial corporations589 759587 799592 360606 385
Financial corporations137 129134 105138 093143 760
General government142 498129 511148 534131 800
Non-profit institutions serving households52 87353 16754 11154 502
Households995 757986 4391 047 1501 034 437
¬ Employees950 782942 5531 001 777989 722
Rest of the world349 700389 737368 147355 909
Deposits with agreed maturity up to one month499 306473 751391 075458 347
Non-financial corporations10 2868 0769 7689 738
Financial corporations17 86722 3725 80025 642
General government4 8915 1595 3085 261
Non-profit institutions serving households1 7091 6311 6201 689
Households21 34620 93321 11021 304
¬ Employees20 67720 28420 45920 651
Rest of the world443 207415 580347 469394 713
Tax deduction accounts47 46525 55435 24725 598
Non-financial corporations28 19414 73222 06614 618
Financial corporations3 5461 7522 7101 768
General government13 4217 5978 6877 875
Non-profit institutions serving households1 5899391 188924
¬ Employees99699181
Rest of the world2091658567
Deposits related to pension schemes980975978981
Non-financial corporations25242424
Financial corporations5555
General government........
Non-profit institutions serving households0000
¬ Employees877874877879
Rest of the world6666
Deposits with yield based on stock exchange yield442434447425
Non-financial corporations334349366340
Financial corporations64515
General government4275
Non-profit institutions serving households22252219
¬ Employees70514445
Rest of the world3222
Home savings scheme for young people47 88147 76947 87347 872
Non-financial corporations........
Financial corporations........
General government........
Non-profit institutions serving households........
Households47 54247 43347 53847 544
¬ Employees47 19047 07847 18347 186
Rest of the world339336335329
Deposits on other terms741 118710 036716 018734 647
Non-financial corporations91 77392 76393 25898 579
Financial corporations56 35346 85637 01145 466
General government9 8469 52810 48210 300
Non-profit institutions serving households12 38412 56113 30813 057
Households90 07690 18489 82490 901
¬ Employees87 37787 48587 08888 170
Rest of the world480 686458 144472 134476 344