
Tenure status for household types
FreeholderPart- / shareholderTenantNumber of households
Housholds total63.114.122.72 337 995
Living alone44.219.136.7888 211
Couple without resident children75.012.312.6557 108
Couple with small children (youngest child 0-5 years)74.411.214.3233 257
Couple with older children (youngest child 6-17 years) 023
Lone parent with small children (youngest child 0-5 years)37.211.751.128 262
Lone parent with older children (youngest child 6-17 years)58.716.325.083 514
One-family households with adult children (youngest child 18 years and over) 858
Two or more-family households with children 0-17 years80.49.010.634 042
Two or more-family households without resident children 0-17 years51.511.537.085 720