
Distributed taxes, tax revenues, by type. Accumulated.
NOK MillionChange in per cent from the previous year
August 2015August 2016August 2017August 2016August 2017
1Starting from April 1999, taxes for Oslo has been divided between municipal and county taxes.
2Calculated employer contributions for civil servants are not included.
3Interest and tax collecting costs for taxes on dividends to foreign shareholders included from January 2015.
Distributed taxes, total546 276515 048532 796-5.73.4
Ordinary taxes on income and wealth, central government19 04925 66132 10034.725.1
Ordinary taxes on extraction of petroleum32 85516 33214 791-50.3-9.4
Special income tax on extraction of petroleum54 01725 71524 728-52.4-3.8
Tax equalization contributions to the central government145 457138 379143 119-4.93.4
Ordinary taxes to county authorities (incl. Oslo)118 44319 65220 2176.62.9
Ordinary taxes to municipalities86 05993 07796 6868.23.9
Member contributions to the National Insurance Scheme80 13984 62786 2245.61.9
Employer contributions to the National Insurance Scheme2109 107109 376112 4740.22.8
Taxes on dividends to foreign shareholders1 1512 2282 456
Advance tax arrangement399 681413 906420 2283.61.5
Ordinary taxes on income and wealth, central government15 02922 79929 38751.728.9
Tax equalization contributions to the central government91 57383 90574 792-8.4-10.9
Ordinary taxes to county authorities (incl. Oslo)118 15319 38019 9156.82.8
Ordinary taxes to municipalities84 58891 67095 1308.43.8
Member contributions to the National Insurance Scheme80 03384 53486 0455.61.8
Employer contributions to the National Insurance Scheme2109 107109 376112 4740.22.8
Taxes on dividends to foreign shareholders1 1992 2422 485
Non-personal taxpaying arrangement146 162100 768111 835-31.111.0
Ordinary taxes on income and wealth, central government3 9522 8312 634-28.4-7.0
Ordinary taxes on extraction of petroleum32 85516 33214 791-50.3-9.4
Special income tax on extraction of petroleum54 01725 71524 728-52.4-3.8
Tax equalization contributions to the central government53 76654 37268 1091.125.3
Ordinary taxes to county authorities (incl. Oslo)1243233243-4.14.3
Ordinary taxes to municipalities1 3301 2851 330-3.43.5
Interest etc.433373733-13.996.5
Ordinary taxes on income and wealth, central government683180-54.4158.1
Tax equalization contributions to the central government118102217-13.6112.7
Ordinary taxes to county authorities (incl. Oslo)1484060-16.750.0
Ordinary taxes to municipalities141121225-14.286.0
Member contributions to the National Insurance Scheme10693179-12.392.5
Employer contributions to the National Insurance Scheme2.....
Taxes on dividends to foreign shareholders3-48-15-28