
Completed mediations, by cause of mediation, mediation authority and region.
All causes of mediationSeparation/divorce (Marriage Act)Separations of cohabitantsMediation applications pursuant to Children ActReturned from court system (Children Act)
All mediation authoritiesFamily officesMediations by external counsellingAll mediation authoritiesFamily officesMediations by external counsellingAll mediation authoritiesFamily officesMediations by external counsellingAll mediation authoritiesFamily officesMediations by external counsellingAll mediation authoritiesFamily officesMediations by external counselling
The whole country20 00516 4683 5376 7815 5461 2356 1525 1271 0257 0425 7671 27530282
Region East7 0865 8921 1942 6112 1724391 9531 6772762 5172 038479550
Region South4 2083 4227861 4701 1802901 2131 0251881 5161 208308990
Region West4 1003 2408601 3981 0833151 2959773181 3941 16822613121
Region Middle2 6082 049559788630158936746190882672210211
Region North2 0031 865138514481337557025373368152110