
Banks. Balance sheet. NOK million
June 2017July 2017August 2017September 2017
Notes and divisionary coin237 190304 116240 168272 528
Loans to and claims on financial institutions811 627801 298818 982804 629
Loans to and claims on customers2 845 6762 849 5132 843 6562 875 073
Certificates and bonds563 887547 680555 887564 223
Shares, equity capital certificate e.g.198 170196 034195 399199 049
Financial derivatives245 049243 969241 929233 367
Intangible assets9 7339 6959 6489 744
Durable operating equipment10 73110 75110 76410 864
Other assets82 87473 36795 65398 021
Total assets5 004 9375 036 4255 012 0865 067 498
Deposits from financial institutions1 083 4441 151 6341 101 3641 135 923
Deposits from customers2 456 7102 443 1412 421 2802 439 645
Certificate and bond debt609 521592 454606 553620 599
Other loans65 79459 06065 98861 172
Financial derivatives256 254259 464257 028241 599
Other liabilities88 15282 620108 735107 290
Subordinated loan capital57 96357 39057 09358 133
Total liabilities4 617 8374 645 7634 618 0424 664 360
Share and owner share capital68 70068 67168 67168 834
Other paid in equity (share premium account etc.)66 55566 51666 53266 904
Earned equity capital229 638229 895230 024234 147
Undistributed profit22 20625 57928 81733 254
Total equity387 099390 661394 044403 139
Total liabilities and equity5 004 9375 036 4255 012 0865 067 499