
Mortgage companies. Balance sheet. NOK million
June 2017July 2017August 2017September 2017
Notes and divisionary coin041400
Loans to and claims on financial institutions59 00258 11965 75149 837
Loans to and claims on customers1 711 7451 704 6031 705 5551 713 363
Certificates and bonds211 140199 571196 548194 655
Shares, equity capital certificate e.g.146147146147
Financial derivatives114 66496 91593 862100 683
Intangible assets631657652649
Durable operating equipment23232221
Other assets9 0088 6189 16913 325
Total assets2 106 3592 069 0662 071 7052 072 679
Deposits from financial institutions........
Deposits from customers........
Certificate and bond debt1 540 0461 507 7771 502 6371 508 342
Other loans358 640344 538354 188355 962
Financial derivatives47 29656 60552 10940 514
Other liabilities21 04820 30221 52426 798
Subordinated loan capital11 95212 01612 05112 142
Total liabilities1 978 9811 941 2401 942 5101 943 758
Share and owner share capital36 60436 90336 96336 963
Other paid in equity (share premium account etc.)56 92756 85657 11857 265
Earned equity capital31 65931 35731 35731 254
Undistributed profit2 1882 7113 7563 438
Total equity127 378127 827129 195128 921
Total liabilities and equity2 106 3592 069 0662 071 7052 072 679