
Investments. Estimated investments next year, by division and and main industrial groupings. NOK million1
Estimated investmentsChange in NOK million and per cent
201720182018 / 20172018 / 2018
Collected in Q4 the previous yearCollected in Q3 the previous yearCollected in Q4 the previous yearDif.2Per cent2Dif.3Per cent3
1The levels of aggregation refers to the Standard of Industrial Classification (SIC2007). See NOS D383 for further details.
2Change from previous year in estimated investments, collected in Q4 in the previous year.
3Change in estimated investments for the next year, collected in Q3 in the previous year and Q4 in the previous year.
Extraction, pipeline, mining, manuf. and elec196 832194 321203 5666 73439 2455
Extraction and pipeline transport146 643141 748144 333-2 310-22 5852
Extraction of oil and natural gas144 194139 626142 363-1 831-12 7372
Pipeline transport2 4482 1221 971-477-19-151-7
Manufacturing, mining and quarrying18 57418 00621 4942 920163 48819
Mining and quarrying5825657791973421438
Manufacturing17 99217 44120 7152 723153 27419
Food, beverages and tobacco4 1063 6904 6865801499627
Food products3 8923 5584 5566641799828
Textiles, wearing apparel, leather185124138-47-251411
Wood and wood products1 3941 0641 125-269-19616
Paper and paper products1531921833020-9-5
Printing, reproduction2268396-130-581316
Refined petro., chemicals, pharmac3 4404 5205 3991 9595787919
Basic chemicals1 9122 6203 0271 1155840716
Rubber, plastic and mineral prod.1 6461 7051 9452991824014
Basic metals3 6963 5453 688-801434
Non-ferrous metals3 4742 8712 638-836-24-233-8
Fabricated metal products528429623951819445
Computer and electrical equipment1 039688835-204-2014721
Machinery and equipment4955848193246523540
Ships, boats and oil platforms242242233-9-4-9-4
Transport equipment n.e.c4262775401142726395
Repair, installation of machinery223118129-94-42119
Furniture and manufacturing n.e.c.19418127581429452
Electricity, gas and steam31 61634 56737 7386 122193 1719
Production of electricity10 38011 34114 6304 250413 28929
Transmission and distr. of electricity20 09122 49322 0591 96810-434-2
District heating and gas1 1457331 049-96-831643
Main industrial groupings:
Intermediate goods11 63211 68813 0051 373121 31711
Capital goods1 8781 6452 2804022163539
Consumer goods4 7384 0555 480742161 42535
Durable consumer goods205157209425233
Non-durable consumer goods4 5323 8995 271739161 37235
Energy goods178 584176 933182 8014 21725 8683