
Interlinkages of creditor and debtors. Loan. NOK million.
3rd quarter 2017Debtor sector
Non-financial corporations1Financial corporationsGeneral governmentHouseholds & NIPSHRest of the world
1Including reconciliation sector.
Creditor sector
Non-financial corporations11 568 97526814 89421 122310 327
Financial corporations1 404 048393 653354 9363 174 368321 783
General government85 659340 71082 96993 977282 260
Households & NIPSH75 08212 2631 10000
Rest of the world906 848105 272255 64419 9720
Non-financial corporations19-7 656-1240-4 841
Financial corporations4 6107 196-3 05251 990-12 606
General government3636 8570-1 13031 110
Households & NIPSH06121000
Rest of the world-10 838-255-7 14900