
Job vacancy rate, by major industry division. Percentage of job vacancies in relation to the number of posts (job vacancies and occupied posts) in each group
Annual averageQuarterly averageChange in percentage points from the previous year1
201620173rd quarter 20164th quarter 20161st quarter 20172nd quarter 20173rd quarter 20174th quarter 20174th quarter 2016 - 4th quarter 2017
1Discrepancies may occur due to rounding
01-96 Total1.
01-03 Agriculture, forestry and fishing0.
05-09 Mining and quarrying0.
10-33 Manufacture0.
35-39 Power and water supply, sewerage/remediation activities1.
41-43 Construction1.
45-47 Domestic trade, car repair shop1.
49-53 Transportation and storage1.
55-56 Accomommodation and food service activities1.
58-63 Information and communication3.
64-66 Financial and insurance activities1.
68 Real estate activities2.
69-75 Professional, scientific and technical activities2.
77-82 Administrative and support service activities3.
84 Public administration and defence1.
85 Education1.
86 Human health activities2.
87 Residential care activities3.
88 Social work activities without accommodation2.
90-93 Arts, entertainment and recreation1.
94-96 Personal service activities2.