
Tax return account for companies, by sector. NOK million.
Sum all sectorsNon-financial corporationsFinancial corporationsUnspecified sector/others
Assessable incomes (NOK million)687 599544 802135 5917 206
Entrepreneurial income (NOK million)511 563381 228123 2987 037
Received intra-group contribution (NOK million)168 888156 58712 174127
Deductions in income (NOK million)483 717412 85767 8493 012
Entrepreneurial deficit and real estate deficit (NOK million)194 927158 27235 5701 085
Deduction for previous years deficit (NOK million)116 95896 68218 5951 681
Paid intra-group contribution (NOK million)168 746156 67911 842225
Ordinary income (NOK million)203 883131 94667 7424 195
Positive (taxable) income (NOK million)337 525234 83897 4905 197
Negative income (NOK million)133 642102 89229 7471 002
Number of enterprises297 940276 31718 6412 982