
Life insurance companies. Profitt and loss account. NOK Million
4th quarter 20161st quarter 20172nd quarter 20173rd quarter 20174th quarter 2017
11st quarter of 2016: Closed series
21st quarter of 2016: Changes in complementary provisions is discontinued, the remaining items are continued
Earned premiums, net of reinsurance104 59729 50354 24679 233104 030
Gross premiums written94 08424 55547 05070 12093 572
Reinsurers share of gross premiums written-1 039-284-456-622-995
Transfers of premium reserve from other companies11 5525 2317 6529 73511 453
Claims incurred, net of reinsurance62 61518 98034 60249 78965 019
Gross claims payment51 82913 81227 46540 93854 759
Reinsurance share of gross claims payments-598-105-243-397-754
Other appropriations1..........
Transfers of premiumreserve etc. to other companies11 3845 2747 3809 24811 014
Net change in technical provisions93 64431 38456 56083 612117 682
Premium reserve73 47021 40539 48359 81685 100
Other technical provisions28 67615669-2016 562
To/from revaluation reserve5 3316 2679 9668 90218 178
Means allocated insurance contracts6 1673 5577 04215 0957 842
Other operating income/ costs-8 066-1 560-3 151-4 508-6 073
Commision received-193327382124
Operating income, real property18310213142
Other operating income1 6093586841 0341 378
Personell costs2 8837931 4802 1523 046
Commision submitted987238429592868
Operating costs, real property20011
Depreciations of non-financial assets57268169210286
Other operating costs5 2228621 8502 7013 417
Investment income /costs36 0727 73417 69927 25641 403
Interest income bonds and certificates22 2004 2248 75215 79323 483
Interest income other assets4 7591 5513 1254 5285 986
Share dividend etc.10 7602 4536 5797 99813 402
Interest costs1 6474957571 0621 468
Gains/losses, value (re-)adjustments on financial assets29 08016 57926 67738 03651 972
Realized gains/losses15 9073 6944 33511 56316 109
Shares, participations and primary capital certificates8 3094 4737 1959 10515 186
Bonds and certificates298239336-2461 044
Financial derivatives7 241-703-3 1013 05412
Land and buildings100555
Other realized gains/losses49-315-100-356-139
Net change in value13 17312 88622 34226 47335 863
Shares, participations and primary capital certificates8 39310 91916 96019 67430 085
Bonds and certificates-1 958309-43-1 179-1 255
Financial derivatives3 523602 7844 069-40
Land and buildings142........
Other net change in value3 0731 5972 6413 9087 073
Profitt/loss on ordinary activities5 4241 8914 3096 6168 630
Other result components-127-720-97-7
Total Profitt/loss5 5841 6273 7765 6868 243
Balance on the technical account for life insurance11 3351 2792 7324 5995 914
Value-adjusted profitt/loss25 61211 67521 21430 49341 724