
Life insurance companies. Holding of bonds and certificates by issuing sector. NOK Million
4th quarter 20161st quarter 20172nd quarter 20173rd quarter 20174th quarter 2017
Sum all sectors522 210527 512527 863530 880551 707
Non-financial corporations74 17276 95576 40480 20383 632
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by central government..........
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government21 94422 74522 46423 74123 753
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by local government..........
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by local government25 18225 04624 96525 55625 343
Private non-financial incorporated enterprises27 04629 16428 97530 90734 536
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises..........
Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises..........
Financial corporations117 570114 925115 681114 499115 919
Norges Bank..........
Banks49 85347 04146 66145 60247 781
Mortgage companies66 66366 86167 93867 81567 071
Finance companies..........
State lending institutions etc...........
Financial holding companies4014505150
Mutual funds..........
Investment trusts and private equity funds..........
Other financial enterprises, except insurance companies and pension funds752738735733733
Life insurance companies and pension funds154160165166179
Non-life insurance companies108112132133106
General government49 75048 32046 41545 27046 877
Central government25 77326 26425 80523 95726 449
Local government23 97722 05620 61021 31220 428
Non-profit institutions serving households..........
Rest of the world280 717287 311289 363290 908305 279