
Hunters by age and sex1
Paid hunting taxPassed hunting test
TotalMalesFemalesMale hunters as per cent of male population over 16 yearsTotalOf these buying hunting licence fee
1Comprising Norwegians living in Norway
Total201 642183 98217 660911 8985 171
-20 years8 2356 9011 33454 156935
20-29 years28 57224 3214 25174 0812 027
30-39 years34 77931 0003 77991 9301 149
40-49 years43 67139 6084 063101 144699
50-59 years41 37138 3762 99511457280
60-69 years29 86928 8151 0541012277
70 years or older15 14514 961184584