
Producer price index. Weights by main industrial groupings.
Industrial Classification1Domestic and export market, totalDomestic market
March 2018March 2017March 2018March 2017
1Standard Industrial Classification (SIC2007).
Extraction, mining, manuf. and elec1 000.01 000.01 000.01 000.0
Extraction and related services359.9354.1132.6157.1
Extraction of oil and natural gas318.9294.149.641.3
Extraction and related services41.060.083.1115.9
Mining and quarrying8.710.511.813.8
Food, beverages and tobacco136.2142.0214.4212.2
Textiles, wearing apparel, leather5.
Wood and wood products20.520.638.336.7
Paper and paper products11.89.713.58.1
Refined petroleum products82.669.791.884.3
Chemical and pharmaceutical prod.57.557.350.648.4
Rubber and plastic products7.88.010.610.7
Non-metallic mineral products24.122.646.741.6
Basic metals54.249.416.914.4
Fabricated metal products26.425.342.138.6
Computer and electrical equipment36.740.238.936.5
Machinery and equipment37.052.939.657.0
Transport equipment n.e.c6.
Furniture and manufacturing n.e.c.8.910.413.114.6
Repair, installation of machinery52.346.6106.090.0
Electricity, gas and steam51.454.895.697.4