
Graduations in higher education in Norway. Sex, immigration category and field of education. Numbers and per cent
TotalImmigrantsNorwegian-born to immigrant parentsOther population
Total20 51330 4872 4933 21956573217 45526 536
Humanities and arts1 5482 38820839627301 3131 962
Education2 3736 07818041329942 1645 571
Social sciences and law2 1253 925223393631101 8393 422
Business and administration4 3535 2153705431781713 8054 501
Natural sciences, vocational and technical subjects6 6673 0981 108574182785 3772 446
Health, welfare and sport2 2189 035306820712431 8417 972
Primary industries1741383022--144116
Transport and communications, safety and security and other services1 0185586350156940502
Unspecified field of study375258--3244
Per cent
Humanities and arts7.57.88.312.
Social sciences and law10.412.98.912.
Business and administration21.217.114.816.931.523.421.817.0
Natural sciences, vocational and technical subjects32.510.244.417.832.210.730.89.2
Health, welfare and sport10.829.612.325.512.633.210.530.0
Primary industries0.
Transport and communications, safety and security and other services5.
Unspecified field of study0.