
Figures for local kind of activity units. Main economic figures by industry division1
Production valueCost of goods and services consumedValue added at factor pricesGross investments
NOK Million
1The levels of aggregation refers to the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC2007). See NOS D383 for further details.
05, 07, 08, 09.9, 10-33 Mining, quarrying and manufacturing
2015825 187606 078212 20219 989
2016761 447554 691199 34224 788
05, 07, 08, 09.9 Mining and quarrying
201514 8049 4395 381983
201613 7058 7754 9441 019
10-33 Manufacturing
2015810 383596 640206 82119 006
2016747 742545 916194 39923 769
10-12 Food, beverages and tobacco
2015217 160168 94240 7655 811
2016235 509185 44342 1036 616
13-15 Textiles, wearing apparel, leather
20156 9204 3092 625112
20167 7194 8652 868232
16 Wood and wood products
201526 79718 7758 061612
201628 45220 0358 453871
17 Paper and paper products
201513 42511 0002 42792
201614 20011 2742 928374
18 Printing and reproduction
20159 1975 4063 811160
20168 5225 0053 542-10
19-21 Refined petro., chemicals, pharmac.
2015132 631107 21025 5753 292
2016104 49780 55124 0905 193
22-23 Rubber, plastic, mineral prod.
201541 53128 33813 2491 304
201644 73930 86213 9191 465
24 Basic metals
201563 56351 57712 0262 734
201655 30044 38910 9504 392
25 Fabricated metal prod.
201542 95126 51816 460632
201641 44026 27815 196859
26-27 Computer and electrical equipment
201545 48430 08315 465755
201642 06227 80614 317686
28 Machinery and equipment
201583 83158 87425 006964
201652 07936 22915 911839
29-30 except 30.1 Transport equipment n.e.c.
20158 6825 4493 246238
20169 8496 2053 657260
30.1 Building of ships and boats
201561 29945 23316 074766
201648 77634 57914 210487
31-32 Furniture and manufacturing n.e.c
201513 1718 1705 034323
201614 0488 1095 962214
33 Repair, installation of machinery and equipment
201543 74126 75616 9961 210
201640 55124 28816 2941 291