
Information and communication. Principal figures, by industry group. Industry divisjon J. Enterprises12345
EnterprisesEmployment5Turnover (NOK million)4Turnover (NOK million)4Gross operating surplus (NOK million)Gross operating surplus (NOK million)Production value (NOK million)Production value (NOK million)Value added (NOK million)3Value added (NOK million)3Personell costs (NOK million)Personell costs (NOK million)Gross investments (NOK million)2Gross investments (NOK million)2
1Industrial classification of statistical units are reviewed every period. At industrial sub class, changes in classification can have a potentially large impact on the time series.
2Investments in fixed assets, improvements are added while sales are deducted.
3At factor cost
4Operating income without special taxes, subsidies and profits from the sales of fixed assets. Exclusive of VAT.
5Average number of persons during the year.
Total16 52716 66695 35295 022235 798235 85134 50435 859226 001226 715104 431105 60169 92769 74110 80710 800
58 Publishing activities2 2082 14721 61420 84843 749.541 758.44 576.74 166.943 177.641 421.219 871.918 936.215 295.214 769.3279.5215.6
58.1 Publishing of books, periodicals and other publishing activities1 5591 52112 46411 72024 654.723 379.82 046.71 861.124 308.923 213.010 030.49 235.57 983.77 374.3145.483.8
58.2 Software publishing6496269 1509 12819 094.718 378.62 530.02 305.818 868.718 208.29 841.59 700.87 311.57 395.0134.1131.8
59 Motion picture, TV, music prod.3 5143 6465 9536 1598 9109 8677941 0468 8609 8033 0613 5112 2672 465141125
59.1 Motion picture, video and television programme activities2 7552 8545 2805 4217 488.58 123.2665.8897.57 440.68 060.22 696.53 060.42 030.72 162.9129.4107.6
59.2 Sound recording and music publishing activities7597926737381 421.01 744.1128.5148.11 419.71 742.5364.4450.6235.9302.511.417.4
60 Programming, broadcasting activities1321306 2086 38812 45312 6361 03673112 53812 6175 4235 1714 3874 440286370
60.1 Radio broadcasting10194418390815.0779.2109.9110.7815.0779.2367.8353.0257.9242.38.89.8
60.2 Television programming and broadcasting activities31365 7905 99811 638.111 856.9926.4620.611 722.611 838.05 055.44 818.44 129.04 197.8277.4360.0
61 Telecommunications60859013 03812 63073 00970 64920 10521 06671 00968 60029 63630 1799 5319 1138 3658 079
61.1 Wired telecommunications activities2632494 0673 98721 481.219 897.75 016.24 769.821 463.019 875.77 839.97 497.12 823.72 727.34 283.33 376.6
61.2 Wireless telecommunications activities1231187 3797 04341 259.540 339.113 430.314 617.139 321.938 308.418 736.519 571.35 306.34 954.21 903.63 782.4
61.3 Satellite telecommunications activities28288148188 382.58 672.41 829.11 981.58 398.28 678.22 567.52 752.0738.4770.52 025.5886.6
61.9 Other telecommunications activities1941957787821 886.21 739.3-170.5-302.11 825.41 737.2491.9358.8662.5660.9152.533.7
62 Computer programming, consultancy8 9559 06843 00943 54686 134.389 143.16 551.57 305.579 017.982 588.841 389.742 699.634 838.235 394.11 256.01 566.1
62.0 Computer programming, consultancy and related activities8 9559 06843 00943 54686 134.389 143.16 551.57 305.579 017.982 588.841 389.742 699.634 838.235 394.11 256.01 566.1
63 Information service activities1 1101 0855 5305 45111 54211 7981 4401 54311 39911 6865 0495 1033 6093 560
63.1 Data processing, hosting and related activities. web portals8548474 8604 77210 076.110 452.81 278.31 368.09 932.410 340.94 432.14 482.63 153.73 114.6474.2437.1
63.9 Other information service activities2562386706791 466.21 345.1162.0175.41 466.21 345.1617.0620.3455.0444.95.26.8