
Imports of food and beverages, by commodity groups (SITC) and selected trade areas1
NOK MillionChange in per cent
2015201620172016 - 2017
1Food and beverages principally according to the definition of the WTO ( and is defined as the sum total of commodity groups 0,11,22 and 4 in the nomenclature of SITC.
Total56 05558 17158 6980.9
EU33 69135 83936 1640.9
Developing countries14 51614 04613 478-4.0
Other countries7 8498 2859 0569.3
Food and live animals
Total42 23843 20943 3790.4
EU25 93427 04627 4281.4
Developing countries11 22611 19710 574-5.6
Other countries5 0784 9675 3778.3
Total5 6195 9236 1944.6
EU4 8885 0795 3535.4
Developing countries260309275-10.9
Other countries4725365655.4
Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes
Total6 3097 1307 123-0.1
EU2 7313 5573 243-8.8
Developing countries1 7401 4971 467-2.0
Other countries1 8382 0752 413193.4
Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits
Total1 8891 9092 0024.9
Developing countries1 2901 0431 16111.3
Other countries46170780113.2